怎樣才算是真正的朋友?Real Friends
o1.朋友,是你的玩伴。Friends,are your partners .
o2.朋友,會和你有福同享。Friends,will share their happiness.
o3.朋友,會和你有難同當。Friends,will share your hardness.
o4.朋友,會給你安慰。Friends,will listen to you.
o5.朋友,會給你祝福。Friends'll give you the 'Best Wishes'.
o6.朋友,會關心你。Friends,will be concerned with you.
有了朋友,會怎樣?If you have friends...
o1.有了朋友,你不會寂寞。You'll never be lonely.
o2.有了朋友,你就有了寄託。You'll never be void.
o3.有了朋友,你的生日才是生日。Your 'REAL'Birthday comes!
沒有朋友,那又會怎樣?If you have no friends...
o1.沒有朋友,你會望天打掛。You'll always be alone...
o2.沒有朋友,你會被人排斥。You'll be repelled.
o3.沒有朋友,你會變得呆滯。You'll become dull!!