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When Rose Is Blue

目前所在版面: 文學創作
文章: 50
G幣 1542
註冊時間: 2008-08-08

Bluerosemary 發表於 2008-08-21 16:49 引言回覆
Lying on a petal of a blue rose,

Fragrance runs into my nose.

Over my head, a light wind blows.

In the wind, my hair flows.

In the sky, the sun is hanging,

The warmth is spreading.

Too soon, the sun will be setting.

That's why the sun seems to be so good-looking.

Let's see! The ants are working so hard.

They all keep to the same path.

Before long, they sleep forever in the dark.

By the footsteps on the path, their life is marked.

Whoever you are, whatever it is,

The endings of all stories are the same as theirs.

In history, blue roses have not yet been nurtured.

Blue roses therefore represent the things you can never get.

People dye their roses in order to achieve their dreams.

Maybe one day blue roses appear somewhere out of the dreams.

Blue roses change the meaning to "nothing is impossible'.

Sun never sets and ants never die.

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